Top 7 of the Best Golf Launch Monitors of 2019

Oct 24, 2019
Launch monitors have become important practice tools for today’s golfers. With a wide range of affordable units available, few serious golfers go without a launch monitor. But how do you know which one’s right for you? To help you out,…
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Breaking Down Draw and Fade Shots

Oct 17, 2019
In golf, draws and fades are types of shots that control the movement of the golf ball. While some players approach one or the other more naturally, professionals learn to choose one at will, depending on the shot. You could use a golf swing tracker to measure your performance and practice each type.
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How to Hit Longer Golf Drives

Oct 10, 2019
Golf isn’t as easy as it looks. There are many aspects to a golf swing. To hit longer golf drives, it’s important to know the anatomy of a golf swing and ignore misconceptions. For example, swinging harder doesn’t necessarily get the ball higher in the air or increase its distance. Posture, contact, and tempo are just a few factors that affect golf drives. With these golf swing tips, you can learn how to hit longer drives.
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Road to the Show: How to Become a Professional Golfer

Oct 04, 2019
Road to the Show: How to Become a Professional GolferMany people aspire to become the next great golfer, such as Jack Nicklaus or Tiger Woods, but did you know there are many ways to break into the golfing industry? You don’t have to be a PGA Tour star to make a living. Nonetheless, it is hard to become a pro golfer. There are many requirements, and it takes a great deal of practice to just make it out of qualifying school.
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The Health Benefits of Golfing

Sep 12, 2019
There’s no doubt that golf is one of the most fun and technically skilled sports out there, but is it also good for you? Anyone who’s followed John Daly’s career might think fitness isn’t needed for golf, but he’s an exception, not a rule. In fact, as the rest of the PGA pro crowd will show you, golfing is great for your health and has a surprising number of benefits—even if you’re just practicing at home with your golf swing aids or golf swing analyzer.
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