American Soccer Vs. European Football: Same Sport, Many Differences

Dec 25, 2019
By nearly any measure, soccer is the most popular sport in the world. It is played recreationally by millions of people, and millions more love to watch professional and national teams play on TV. With that said, if you were an American in Europe and you suggested a game of “soccer” to some friends, you’d be sure to get plenty of sideways glances. Outside of the U.S., the game known as soccer is actually called football.
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Improve Your Green Reading with These 5 Putting Strategies

Dec 24, 2019
There are few things in golf as frustrating as making a great stroke only to see the ball turn away from the hole at the last moment. Countless putts are missed due to poor reads, yet many players tend to simply blame those misses on a bad stroke. There are a lot of steps you can take to pursue lower scores, like adding an indoor golf simulator to your home or using putting aids to practice, but one quick step you can take is to work on your green reading. Let’s go through five useful putting tips on this subject.
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The 5 Most Historic Fairground Games

Nov 18, 2019
One of the best parts of summer is still the county or state fair. Step inside, and you'll be treated to a whirlwind of sights, sounds, and smells that have a uniquely scruffy charm.Of course, the most iconic part of a fair just might be the fairground games. For a small fee, you get to test all those skills you've been honing on your indoor multi-sport simulator and try to win a prize for your sweetie.
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How to Increase Your Shot Power in Soccer

Nov 11, 2019
In a tactical but low-scoring game like soccer, you’ve got to make every shot count. Opportunities for goals don’t come often. Having a weak strike of the ball makes it easier for the goalie to react, gives you less room for error, and makes you more likely to miss that opportunity.If you’re looking to be the next star forward, building the strength of your shot is the first place to start. Get out on the pitch or use a multi-sport simulator and hit the ball cleanly and powerfully with these tips.
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Take Your Game to the Max

Nov 01, 2019
While sports fans love to tout the popularity of football, basketball, or soccer, there's one unassuming sport that has putted its way into the hearts of people around the world. Golf is a sport that combines hand-eye coordination with patience, intensity, and camaraderie in a relaxing, refreshing setting.
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