The Perks of Virtual Golfing with a Golf Simulator

Sep 04, 2019
The best golf simulators of today are serious pieces of tech and are the dream for many golfers. Those who already own one—pros and amateurs alike—couldn’t imagine living without their sim. They see it as an indispensable aid for their game, and something that helps them be the best that they can be.
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What Is Ball Speed in Golf: Breaking Down the Data

Aug 21, 2019
With amazingly precise portable launch monitors fast becoming part of everyone’s golf bag, today’s players have a wealth of information at their fingertips. Anyone looking to refine their swing has a number of data points to choose from and a number of places to start. One such data point that many overlook is golf ball speed. In this article, we’ll go into exactly what ball speed is, how to interpret the data, and how it can help you to become a better player.
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2019 Golf Performance Average Baselines — How You Compare to Amateur & Pro Golfers

Aug 19, 2019
For many golfers, one of the biggest goals, and challenges, is to improve overall yardage. However, while a high-tech launch monitor can provide you with accurate data, you still need something to measure up against. After all, what is a “good” golf drive? And how does your average golf drive compare against other amateurs, or against the top pros?
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21 Golf Achievements to Conquer in Your Lifetime: The Golf Bucket List

Aug 10, 2019
You live golf, you breathe golf, and now you’re starting to even dream about golf. Every day you wake up, hungry for more, itching to get out your golf swing analyzer and whittle down that handicap.   If that sounds like you, and you’re as golf-obsessed as we are, you’re probably ready to set yourself some new challenges—to finally put together your golf bucket list and get to work on those dreams.
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How to Prepare to Play Championship Golf Courses Using Equipment

Aug 01, 2019
While we love practicing indoors with golf training aids, sometimes there’s nothing better than getting out there and facing up to the competition on a world-class golf course. However, the mentality and style of play on a championship course can be far different from what the average player might be used to, so let’s talk about how to play a tournament the right way to have a solid chance at success. The best word to describe what it takes to dominate a championship course? Preparation.
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