A Golfer’s Insight into Solving Long Iron Problems

Feb 25, 2020
As a golfer, you already know that long irons are some of the hardest clubs to hit in the game. In fact, in recent years, more and more players have been tossing out their three irons and four irons in favor of extra hybrids. While that’s a good choice for some golfers, it’s not right for everyone. To hit long irons well, you need to know how to swing a golf club properly, and you need to spend plenty of time in practice. Let’s take a look at a few key tips for this area of the game.
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Why Chip and Pitch Shots Are Overlooked – but Essential

Feb 01, 2020
To make your way around a golf course successfully, you need to have a variety of shots at your disposal. It’s important to hit the ball well off the tee, of course, and hitting solid iron shots is a great way to set up birdie putts. It should go without saying that you’ll need to putt well in order to reach your goals.
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The Importance of the Short Game: How It Can Make All the Difference

Jan 25, 2020
As an avid golfer, you dream of making beautiful swings with your driver, sending the ball soaring hundreds of yards down the middle of the fairway. To be sure, there aren’t many feelings in the game better than striping it down the middle on a long, tough par four, and taking online golf lessons can help you make progress in this area.
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How to Stop Topping and Slicing Your Fairway Woods

Jan 01, 2020
Every golfer knows the frustration of topping a fairway wood shot and seeing the ball roll down the fairway for a short distance before coming to rest. When you pulled that fairway wood from your bag, you hoped to send it high in the air out toward your target—so hitting a topped shot is disappointing, to say the least.
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What Is Proper Golf Etiquette on the Course?

Dec 26, 2019
If you are new to the game of golf, you might be intimidated by all there is to learn. In addition to learning the basics of swing technique and the short game, you also need to quickly pick up things like etiquette. To help you understand the basics of on-course behavior and manners, we have assembled the following infographic.
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