Getting the most out of your Launch Monitor
Apr 05, 2024
We recently heard a few stories about how Foresight Sports launch monitor users get the most out of their technology. Below are descriptions of the simple drills and exercises that PGA Tour Winners, College Coaches, and elite amateur players are using, that you can use to improve your game too.
PGA Tour winner Nick Dunlap shared a drill that helps improve his shot-making. He picks a range of yardages, for example from 90 - 130 yards. He then challenges himself to use 2 - 3 different clubs to hit shots across a set of 10 yard increments within that total span.
With the GCQuad's accuracy, Nick optimizes his range session by testing different shots with different clubs at the same yardage, preparing him for a variety of scenarios that he may face in a given round.
- Select yardage range (Ex. 90 - 130 yards).
- Hit shots in distance increments of 10 yards.
- Use 2 - 3 different clubs for each yardage to ensure the best preparation for given scenario during round of play.
Chris Solomon from the No Laying Up podcast loves the ease of use of his GCQuad and the Foresight Sports app, and suggested a shot making / distance control game similar to Nick Dunlap's example. The Foresight Sports app has a simple user interface that displays practice routine data on your phone in real time and can be recalled later for further analysis.
- Connect your launch monitor to the Foresight Sports app and begin a range session.
- Select club and data parameters relevant to what you're working on. In this case shot-making with a 9-iron primarily requires the carry distance parameter.
- The app is user-friendly and customizable; configure your session data based on the goal and challenge.
Finally, ASU Associate Head Coach Thomas Sutton told us that distance control is critical, and described a ladder drill that his team uses in their everyday practice. Coach Sutton shared that and more in his webinar interview for our UpNext audience.
- Select a yardage range, for example 100 - 200 yards.
- Choose a distance increment, such as 10 yards, and hit shots progressively longer within that increment range. So, attempt to hit the first ball between 100 - 110 yards, the 2nd ball 110 - 120, the 3rd ball 120 - 130, and so on.
- Once you reach the top yardage, repeat the gaps in descending order.
- Then count how many of your shots landed within the yardage gap you were attempting to hit with each respective shot.
- This drill helps refine distance control, contact, and club & shot selection.
How are you using your Foresight Launch monitor?
Share your drills, games, and progress with us on social media!