Simply plug the USB cable into your computer and find a place to set/mount the camera, and boom, you will have immediate access to your video replays. Review videos of your swing, make improvements or adjustments, and watch your scores start dropping.
Our camera seamlessly integrates with Swing Catalyst golf video analysis software. Analyze your recorded swings with comprehensive drawing tools, slow-motion playback, video overlay, and side-by-side comparison.
FSX Play: The latest version of FSX Play now offers an integration with swing cameras. Simply connect your camera and after a shot, go into the "analysis" window to review your swing from up to 2 angles.
FSX 2020: A swing camera can be connected in the settings menu of FSX 2020. After a shot, click the "analysis" tab to review your swing. Your swing videos and shot data can even be reviewed later in the FSX Live cloud.
*FSX Pro swing camera integration not available at this time.
The 2.1MM and 2.5MM lenses are ideal for areas with less room behind or to the side of the golfer. The the 2.8MM to 12MM lens is the most flexible, and allows the camera to be further away from the golfer.
Recommended distances from golfer for each lens:
2.1mm = 4ft - 6ft
2.5mm = 6ft - 10ft
2.8mm-12mm = 10ft - 12ft+
Find our Swing Camera Support Page here.
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