2021 Golf Performance Average Baselines – How You Compare to Amateur & Pro Golfers

Jun 25, 2021
For most golfers, one of the most common goals and challenges is to improve overall yardage. While having a high-tech launch monitor can provide the accurate data points that you need, in order to improve you’ll need numbers to measure up against. There is no set definition for a “good” golf drive. What’s most important is that you look at how your average drive compares against amateurs and pros.
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5 Good Habits for Successful Golfers

Jun 25, 2021
There are no wrong or right ways to get better at golf. While most people immediately think of joining a golf club or training with a pro golfer, there are often simple things that can be done to improve your play on the course. Wondering how to be good at golf? Here are 5 habits that all successful golfers use each time they hit the green.
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3 Common Grips in Golf

Jun 17, 2021
One of the most basic parts of the game of golf is your grip. This determines how you hold the club when swinging or putting—but did you know that there are three most common grips? These grips include: Ten-finger grip Overlapping grip Interlocking grip While you will naturally grip the golf club in a way that feels the most natural and comfortable, it helps to know about the many grips that both amateur and professional golfers use.
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Tips for Lowering Your Golf Handicap

Jun 17, 2021
Understanding how your golf handicap affects your game is an essential part of golf. Handicaps allow less skilled players to be evenly matched with more experienced players. As a result, players are better equipped to play on fairly equal terms. Why does a handicap matter in golf? The purpose of golf handicaps is to help players better measure their potential. A handicap should never be viewed as an average of your previous games or how well or bad you did. Rather, handicaps help you determine the number of strokes above or below par you could achieve.
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Top Ten Tips to Get Better at Golf Without Lessons

Jun 01, 2021
Golf lessons may seem like the only way to get better at golf. What could be more ideal than learning from someone who has years of experience and wisdom on the course? While golf lessons can be helpful, they aren’t required. In fact, a small percentage of golfers seek instruction from a professional.
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