What to Expect at Your First Golf Tournament

Oct 25, 2020
The time has finally come—your first golf tournament! Chances are that you’re feeling excited, anxious, and every other emotion in the book. As an avid golfer, you already know how difficult the sport is, and being part of a tournament just takes things to the next level. With increased pressure to perform and having to play against strangers, you face a whole new dynamic. This isn’t a friendly game with your best guy friends! Don’t fret. With the right preparation, you can make your first tournament a success.
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Sharing a Golf Game with Your Kids

Oct 02, 2020
Golf is a game of sophistication and, from a child’s point of view, it’s something that adults do to pass time. While the green is typically a place to discuss business dealings or to catch up with friends, it can also be a great spot for parents to connect with their kids. While your kiddo may not see golf the same way you do, there’s plenty about the game that any kid is sure to love. With a few minor adjustments, you can turn a game of patience and dedication into one that the whole family enjoys.
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Improving Your Golf Game: It Takes More Than Just Hitting the Ball

Sep 25, 2020
Hitting the ball consistently well is the most critical skill to learn when it comes to playing golf. However, if you want to get better, it takes a lot more than just swinging at balls. Not only do you have to hit with purpose, but you have to know how to hit, how to aim, and how to power a swing. With enough time, you can vastly improve your game and decrease your scores. And if you can’t get to the range, a golf simulator can provide a perfect opportunity to hone these skills further.
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Simple Tips to Improve Your Golf Game

Sep 01, 2020
No one is born a scratch golfer. Like any other sport, it takes time and effort to be good - consistently good - at the game. Even then, there is always room for improvement. Whether you’re new to the game of golf or a seasoned player looking for a way to perform better on the course, we’ve got you covered. Keep reading to learn some simple tips that will improve your golf game. We’ll also discuss how a golf simulator can be just as beneficial as spending time on the range.
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Establishing a Fitness Routine Through Golf

Aug 25, 2020
Golf may not be a sport that requires intense physical exertion, but it’s still a physical activity nonetheless. The average PGA Tour course length is around 7,200 yards, which equates to a little over four miles, and the average player plays around 78 rounds per year. Do the math, and you’ll quickly see just why golf can be part of your fitness routine.
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